Urban Yogi

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Bury your fears, remember your love!

This one is a short and simple one, November first and second are always special days, with death representing the final release, the step into the infinite next as also being a celebration of remembering love.

In my experience, I have noticed how this emancipation of the soul can do so much more than just transcend, it can teach us about simplicity, and softness and bring union, compassion and love.

In Yoga, we end our practice in Savasana (Corpse Pose) and transition to Parsva Garbhasana (Fetal Position), Savasana is the end of the practice, the death and release of the old, and Parsva Garbhasana represent rebirth, being reborn and changed breath by breath.

So while you are here, transform often, breathe deeply, live fully, and love truly!

I simply wanted to take a few minutes of my evening to remind you of this and not let this one pass.

Happy Day of The Dead, today we celebrate the ascended and transcended saints! <3

Bury your fears, remember your love!

So much freaking love, xoxo
