Urban Yogi

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What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of stepping out? 

Maybe stepping out of patterns of comfort; stepping out of undesired or unnecessary situations, stepping out of certain reasoning even.

All of those are compelling, present, and just a few of the many ways of stepping out. 

The one that I particularly want to inquire about today is stepping out of resistance, stepping out of fear, and the weight that stiffens and holds you back. Stepping out of comparison to the old or future version of yourself, or constantly inviting unsparing cycles.

In Yoga, this can be related to “The Kleshas” (Causes of Suffering). 

The five Kleshas are Avidya (Ignorance), Asmita (Over Identifying with Ego), Raga (Desire or Attachment to Pleasure), Dvesha (Avoidance), and last and critically important to this topic Abhinivesha (Attachment to Fear of Death and The Will to Live).

I like to think of this and relate it to my practice and day-to-day life by noticing and asking myself what are those things that I’m doing that prevent me from stepping out. 

Am I choosing to “Ignore” the clear signs and effects of my suffering? 

Am I “Over Identifying” with those patterns that prevent and pull me from happiness and joy? 

Am I “Attaching” to choices that don’t align with my heart's true desires?

Am I “Avoiding” facing myself in the mirror of my questions?

Am I “Attaching to Fear” and choosing to stay static in the pursuit of my bliss? 

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions most likely you are creating “voluntary suffering” for yourself. Suffering is one of the aspects of the human experience, I like to think of it as an opportunity for self-study and understanding, almost like a push. We are all equipped with the tools to transition through it. So the good news is that through practice you can shift these patterns. 

In Yoga, the practice to overcome “The Kleshas or Suffering” is by practicing Pratipaksa Bhavanam or (Cultivating Positive Thinking and Actions). Pratipaksa Bhavanam is one of the most amazing tools to regulate emotions and balance the mind, it suggests that by the practice of  Svadhyaya or (Self Awareness) and noticing the disturbance and presence of negative thoughts you cultivate the opposite mental mindset and perspective with the goal of reaching awareness and connection with your soul’s honest aspiration. Once you become aware of a pulling thought, replace it with a productive and elevating one.

Of course, this will always be easier said than done, but in my personal experience, I have firsthand shifted multiple aspects of my life, from traits and habits to thought patterns, feelings, emotions, and even relationships and places. I am not saying in any way go and throw it all away and start over. All of us are uniquely crafted and have our own stories, therefore what worked for me might not work for you. 

So if one thing I can share with you that can bring you empowerment, clarity, and confidence is that EVERY SINGLE JOURNEY STARTED WITH THAT ONE FIRST STEP. 

When I look back I would not have done it any differently. I left it all behind. I was drinking way more coffee than any human should really be consuming, I was not nourishing my body and mind with the foods and thoughts that I wanted to create more of in my life. I was engaging in relationships that weren’t aligned with my values and the things I wanted for myself, and that kept me wondering and questioning whether those things that I dreamed of were even possible. 

That was my cue, my sign from the divine or whatever you consider the higher energy or voice inside you. Your happiness and bliss should NEVER be a question. If you have to leave parts of yourself that you love and bring health, happiness, and freedom to your life to accommodate a feeling, person, or situation, then I have to be the one to remind you that most likely you’re in the wrong place. I was the only one in charge and responsible for my direct reality, so I took the measures to do what was right for me.

I also want to remind you to be gentle and to practice inquiry and self-awareness in any way that helps you. 

For me, that meant I had to stop ignoring the calling of my soul.

I had to stop identifying with the construct of what others had and thought of me.

I had to stop attaching to unsecured self-talk, patterns, and friendships that didn’t resonate with my purpose and the idea of the person who I daily worked to embody.

I had to stop avoiding my flow of creativity and authenticity, I had to embrace what I was and what I am determined to continue to create. 

And ultimately I had to stop attaching to my fear of living fully, of losing people or attaching to the validation of others for my creation. 

The biggest fear you should have is to not be your unapologetic, authentic, and whole being self. 

So simply put I invite you to step out and into your own element. Enjoy the journey and love truly!

