Urban Yogi

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January 8th, 2022 

Say that again!

2021 just like every year went by super fast, time goes fast when you're having fun!

In 2021 we did 180 days of juice, did a bunch of epic hikes, went camping, and surfing, made a bunch of yummy food, danced, played music and shared with friends, went on road trips, saw so much new art, practiced and shared the practice of Yoga, graduated from the first part of my Yoga Therapist License and in general checked off my list a bunch of other goals and fears that I once was too afraid to face.

2021 was a year of accomplishments but also of commitment, patience, dedication, and discipline. Every day we had to show up for ourselves and for each other. As a young Mother, partner, and role model to a very busy and active mini-human life can become very hectic.

I found myself from distracting myself with more work and activities to being exhausted and simply understanding that time is relative and as cliche as that sounds the only moment that matters is right now.

Twenty-twenty-one was a year of personal growth in my relationship, it was packed with lots of learning, connecting, and bonding. 

This new year, we still don’t know what challenge we want to jump into; Daily we are living our dreams and checking goals off the list. 

However, in between all of that, I want to use this space to remind you that the only guarantee you have is change. Just as in Yoga, the more you practice, the more you start to learn to recognize the shift; your thoughts, your breath, and the tiny pockets of ever-existing and infinitely self-creating patterns that make the fabric of “reality” and life itself.

So when you find yourself there, in the space in between every breath, in between now and the future, in between the one that dreams and longs for a better and more elevated tomorrow, remind yourself why you're doing it, your “Why”. The reason that keeps you coming back to your practice.

As you do you will slowly return to Svadhyaya (Self Awareness) you will find the one that is already formed, the one that is. “Reality”.

In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras we can refer to Svadhyaya as (Studying thyself to discover the Divine within).

The Gita refers to it as Discipline and the way we speak. If one understands and overcomes its relationship to the past, pain, and suffering, then one can achieve the Highest Reality. The Highest and Universal way of being. Liberation. The Infinite Self.

I will leave you with this, so when you forget you can come back to it (Also from The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali)  Atha Yoga Anushasanam (Now the practice of Yoga begins). The truth that you seek, the experience or ah-ha moment, the dream that you are longing for is already all around you. What you see around you is what your heart is seeking.

This year my particular intention is to welcome more beauty into anything and everything I do. And with that in mind I will leave you with my personal application of Atha Yoga Anushasanam IN EACH AND EVERY MOMENT, YOGA BEGINS.


